Shadow Work isn't mystical, although it is magical. Many people wonder where to start, I am here to guide you gently into the process.
Shadow Work is love in the darkness.

It is my belief that we can heal ourselves through meditation. Being present with the Self in that sacred space can allow you to really forgive, honor, and love yourself the way that you were meant to.
We are not intended to be solitary creatures, and therefore this experience is most beneficial when preformed in a safe space, with a supportive group.
You never have to share any experiences or insights that you have. You can use your personal journal to heal deeply without having to expose yourself to others.
Your Shadow side is nothing to be feared.
It is the most loving part of yourself that sincerely wishes to keep you safe - but at times this Shadow can accidentally cause self-destructive behavior. Finding and sitting in this space can allow for a transformation of Self, and real healing. Below are some tools to use as your begin to do the work. Reach out to me if you need any direction or advice. Together we can foster a life of self-love, self-forgiveness, & healing.
Tip #1 - All Shadow Work should be done in a safe environment
Choose a time and space where you won't be distracted when you are first touching the Shadow side of yourself. You will want to keep the space clean, with calm lighting and quiet music. You may want to light an incense or palo alto for clearing the space before you begin. Decide if you will tell your family or roommates what you are up to, or just simply ask not to be bothered for the 20 minutes you will be in meditation and journaling.
If the timing isn't right, and you keep getting disturbed, come back at a later time. Choose this time for a journaling free-write instead.
Tip #2 - Begin with a basic meditation - then meet your Shadows
Drop into a simple meditation by sitting comfortably and concentrating on your breathing for a few minutes. Once you feel your mind quiet, consciously release your expectation of what you will experience. During this meditation, be open to speaking with the parts of yourself that you often consider "bad," such as your temper, sadness, or isolation. Feel fully the emotions that choose to come up. Do not suppress them or judge them. Allow them to be. After a few moments, simply acknowledge them as a part of yourself. Then fill your whole being with the light of love - all you have to do to accomplish this is to ask for it. If it is helpful to you, silently ask, "Fill my being with the light of love." As an alternative, you can visualize a light entering your being from the top of your head and pouring over yourself.
Sitting with your Shadow parts and allowing those feelings to exist gives you permission to be fully human.
Tip #3 - Practice Self-Forgiveness
One of the most important parts of Shadow Work is acknowledging that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are more than an ego - you are an infinite soul. Your choices may have led to experiences that were uncomfortable; however you survived. Who you were at the time of those choices doesn't have to represent who you are today. What you knew at the time isn't necessarily all you know now. And perhaps you would have made different choices if you could have foreseen the future. But all we have is this present moment. So practice Self-Forgiveness. Accept that you aren't perfect. That your experiences are part of your growth, part of your journey. They helped create "who you are" today - and you cannot live in the past anyway. Forgive, and release.
Don't go it alone
Separation is an illusion. We need community to heal and to grow. Remember, Shadow Work isn't mystical, although it is magical. It is digging deep inside of self-awareness to know all parts of yourself. It is knowing those parts, and learning how to love them. If you are interested in joining me for an in-person or online session for guided meditation, check out my upcoming events page! I also offer meditation journals with guided journal prompts to guide you on your journey, here.