Meditation for Healing
Many traditions throughout time and all over the world use different forms of meditation to connect to the Divine - it is in the re-membering of this connection we can heal ourselves
Throughout time, many humans have been given the gift of insight from the Divine. Through this insight, they have tried to lead others on the path to enlightenment, and reconnection with the Divine Source. The message has been conveyed in numerous religious books, and in modern times, through various spiritual healers such as Deepak Chopra or Sadaguru. Meditation is a central theme of these practices - although it is often called by different names, such as prayer, deep reflection and absolution. The concept is the same. The answers to life's mysteries are inside of you. The answer to deep peace and contentment is inside of you.
Using your astrological sun sign as a guide to your healing journey will guide your way
I will take it one further. We are in an age where the ability to Manifest your Destiny is commonly thought to be a real possibility. That is thanks to our recent understanding of Quantum Physics. We understand that everything really IS energy - and it can be transformed according to our will. Match this with the astrological aspects that are regularly occurring silently above us - preparing you for a shift in your entire reality - and you are set up to create real, meaningful and lasting change in your life right now.
How does astrology fit in
As a matter of fact, most people do not know much about their birth signs, or the astrological placement of the stars during their birth (natal chart). All the tools you need for personal fulfillment is found there. Including a road map to peace. I am here to help you find your purpose, and lead you to a deeper understanding of the universe. Not as a guru, but as humble guide, lighting the way to the path that we all seek.
Tying it all together
During the meditation experiences you can expect to receive information on the art of meditations and ceremonies practiced throughout the world in many different cultures and religions. In a ceremonial setting you will be guided through an immersive experience while diving deep into your psyche to unlock your power of manifestation.